
How Google used AI/ML to grow and capture the market? A case study on Teamitek

AI/ML to grow & Capture the market google

What is Artificial Intelligence?

As humans, we have an inbuilt intelligence that we always use to make decisions in life. For example, if we sip hot tea from a cup, we keep it aside until it is finally drinkable. It is a basic example of how human intelligence works. As humans, we have always learned from our activities and mistakes and automatically created patterns that are necessary for our survival. What makes us different from other living beings on this planet is that our intelligence makes us capable of doing much more than just realizing not to sip hot tea. By default, machines are not intelligent and, they only do what we ask of them. The technique of simulating human intelligence in machines is known as artificial intelligence. As humans we have an inbuilt intelligence that we always use to make decisions in life. For example, if we sip hot tea from a cup, we keep it aside until it is finally drinkable. It is a basic example of how human intelligence works. As humans, we have always learned from our activities and mistakes and automatically created patterns that are necessary for our survival. What makes us different from other living beings on this planet is that our intelligence makes us capable of doing much more than just realizing not to sip hot tea. By default, machines are not intelligent and, they only do what we ask of them. The technique of simulating human intelligence in machines is known as artificial intelligence.

How Google used AI/ML to grow and capture the market

AI what is machine learning

What is Machine Learning?

Machine Learning is a subset of Artificial Intelligence. Its focus is to conduct studies through different patterns (ML predictive models) and output predictions or answers without human interference. ML requires data through which it can create these models that can help in predictions. The bigger the pool of data is, the more accurate prediction.

How Google uses AI/ML to dominate?

How Google uses AI/ML to dominate?

Google is using artificial intelligence to help its system understand and learn. Google uses AI to make the results more accurate for each user, which provides a better user experience. Google has always focused on providing the best search results for each user. Besides using artificial intelligence for their algorithms, Google is using the technology for self-driving cars too. The goal of a self-driving car system is to analyse the road ahead of them and make decisions in advance by learning from past experiences. The more experiences the self-driving cars gather, the more sophisticated they become to safeguard the people residing in cars and others in the outside world.

Google uses AI to help power its assistant on smartphones. Google uses the technology to determine certain locations a person typically goes to or eats. Google also pulls in information from different events and emails to show people the information they might want to see. Google’s assistant learns over time about the user to help them find the information they are looking for as soon as possible.

How Google used AI/ML to grow and capture the market

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